Victorian Waterways Stocked Ahead Of School Holidays

Victorian families are already enjoying plenty of fishing opportunities these school holidays following the Andrews Labor Government stocking almost 35,000 catchable size rainbow trout into more than 70 waters state-wide
Minister for Fishing and Boating Sonya Kilkenny and I visited Casey Fields where crews were busy stocking the lake to ensure families could catch a winner during the school holiday period.
The state-wide fish stocking blitz is funded by recreational fishing license fees and the Labor Government’s $35 million Go Fishing Victoria plan to get more people fishing, more often.
From Horsham in the north-west to Churchill in the south-east, all the way up to Wodonga and right in the heart of Melbourne at Albert Park Lake, there are fish waiting to be caught.
Lilydale Lake was stocked with 1,000 trout for the holidays, Navan Park Lake recieved 600, Victoria Lake in Shepparton got 750 and Ess Lagoon at Casterton recieved 500 trout.
Rainbow trout are a great stocking option for children and beginngers because they are easy to catch and take a great variety of baits and lures.
The family-friendly waterways provide the perfect opportunity for those new to fishing to give it a go as most feature fishing platforms, bankside tracks and picnic areas, which create safe and convenient access for families.
The stocked rainbow trout were grown by the Victorian Fisheries Authority at its Snobs Creek hatchery, near Eildon, which played a huge part in stocking a record-breaking 10 million fish last season.
In Family Fishing Lakes, a daily bag limit of 5 trout applies, of which only 2 trout can exceed 35cm. For the state-wide list of stocked waters these holidays visit
Quotes attributable to Minister for Fishing and Boating Sonya Kilkenny
“We’re stocking family-friendly waterways across Victoria to give thousands of children the opportunity to catch a fish, maybe even their first ever, close to home and in a safe and accesible location”
“Getting the kids outside and away from screens is a great way to enjoy the spring break as a family – creating new memories and possibly getting hooked on fishing!”
Quotes attributable to Member for Cranbourne Pauline Richards
“Casey Fields Lake is a great spot to head down to with family and friends and wet a line – and we’re making it easier than ever to reel in a fish.”
“By stocking lakes in the area, we’re giving locals and visitors the best opportunity to enjoy everything our beautiful waterways have to offer.”