Improving Safety Along The South Gippsland Highway

The Andrews Labor Government is improving road safety and making it easier to get around Melbourne’s southeast with traffic lights to be installed and roads realigned at the South Gippsland Highway/Clyde Five Ways Road intersection in Devon Meadows.
The Victorian Budget 2022/23 includes $15.4 million for upgrades to reduce the risk of crashes at the busy intersection and cater for future growth in the area.
The project will improve safety and accessibility by realigning Fisheries Road and removing unsignalised intersections and replacing them with a single intersection with traffic lights.
The South Gippsland Highway/Clyde Five Ways project will improve safety at the intersection, particularly by addressing an existing uncontrolled right turn, which accounts for almost 50% of all crashes recorded at the intersection.
Over a five-year period 22 crashes were recorded at the intersection including one fatality.
Design and planning work on the South Gippsland Highway/Clyde Five Ways intersection project is expected to commence later this year with construction expected to take several years.
It’s part of a $125.7 million Labor Government investment delivering high priority road upgrades across Melbourne to build a safer and more resilient network – creating jobs and connecting Melburnians to employment, education and the activities they enjoy.
The Budget also includes planning work for future road upgrades across the southeastern suburbs.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Ben Carroll
“We’re making the busy Clyde Five Ways Road intersection easier to use and safer for road users.”
“We are improving the road network across the state to ensure people get home faster and safer.”
Quote attributable to Member for Cranbourne Pauline Richards
“Locals have told us they want to see the South Gippsland Highway/Clyde Five Ways Road intersection fixed and I’m delighted to be announcing this upgrade – improving safety along the busy road.”
Quote attributable to Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale
“This intersection precinct which has Fisheries Road, Manks, Clyde Five Ways meet with South Gippsland Highway is awkward to navigate, dangerous and this funding means we can fix it.”